One Piece - Tony Tony Chopper freedom inspiration: Jurnal Konflik Antar Pelajar

Jurnal Konflik Antar Pelajar

Pendidikan Karakter sebagai Solusi untuk
Mencegah Tawuran Antar Pelajar di Jabodetabek
Oleh: Triyuni Saputri
Conflict is a social phenomenon which is too present in social life, for example, that a student brawls sectarian conflict. Because fighting is diverse, ranging from the trivial to the serious things that lead to clashing action. A student of SMK Negeri 35 Jakarta, Wahyu Kurniadi (19 years old) breathed his last after the thug sickles. Suspected at the time, Wahyu victims brawl between vocational school with 53 Jakarta. Victim died after being rushed to the hospital. Victim was taken to RS.Cengkareng . However, the interval of one hour the victim eventually died. Schools have a major role in stopping the fighting between student culture that still happened. And run a character education was considered quite effective to prevent the brawl.
Inter-group conflict, conflict between students, character building 

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